Search BioKin.com

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A listing of all files that comprise this web site. |

Program DynaFit
Analysis of (bio)chemical kinetics and equilibria
www.biokin.com/dynafit/index.html |
DynaFit Manual
Documentation for program DynaFit
www.biokin.com/dynafit/manual.html |
Download DynaFit
Download the program DynaFit for the analysis of (bio)chemical kinetics and equilibria
www.biokin.com/dynafit/download.html |
DynaFit under Linux Mint
Instructions to install and test DynaFit under Linux Mint 16
www.biokin.com/dynafit/linuxmint.html |
Research papers in which DynaFit was used for the analysis of experimental data.
www.biokin.com/dynafit/bibliography.html |
DynaFit License
Request a DynaFit license
www.biokin.com/dynafit/license/index.html |
Request Academic License
For DynaFit users affilitated with educational organizations only
www.biokin.com/dynafit/license/academic.html |
Request Commercial License
For DynaFit users affilitated with for-profit organizations
www.biokin.com/dynafit/license/commercial.html |
Consulting Services
Data analysis in chemistry, biology, biochemistry, and related fields
www.biokin.com/consulting/index.html |
Sample Contract #1
Consulting and custom software development
www.biokin.com/consulting/sample1.html |
Sample Contract #2
Consulting and custom software development
www.biokin.com/consulting/sample2.html |
Sample Contract #3
Consulting and custom software development
www.biokin.com/consulting/sample3.html |
Sample Contractor Agreement
Consulting and custom software development
www.biokin.com/consulting/sample4.html |
BioKin Publications
Journal articles and technical reports
www.biokin.com/publications/index.html |
Journal Articles
Journal articles and book chapters
www.biokin.com/publications/articles.html |
Technical Reports
Longer or highly focussed research reports
www.biokin.com/publications/techreports.html |
Basic tools for statistical data analysis: standard deviation, F-statistics, and more.
www.biokin.com/tools/index.html |
Optimal Design of Experiments
For dose-response inhibitor screening
www.biokin.com/tools/design.html |
Average and Standard Deviation
Including Student t confidence intervals
www.biokin.com/tools/average.html |
Critical values of F-Statistics
An on-line statistical calculator
www.biokin.com/tools/f-critical.html |
Nested models
Statistical calculator for model discrimination analysis
www.biokin.com/tools/nestedmodels.html |
Two treatment groups
Statistical calculator for the difference in two treatment groups
www.biokin.com/tools/twogroups.html |
Kinetics with MAPLE
Generate MAPLE code for deriving simple rate laws
www.biokin.com/tools/maplekin.html |
Kinetics with Mathematica
Generate Mathematica code for deriving simple rate laws
www.biokin.com/tools/mathekin.html |
King-Altman Method
Analysis of steady-state enzyme kinetics
www.biokin.com/tools/king-altman/index.html |
Submit Data
Derivation of steady-state rate equations using the King-Altman method
www.biokin.com/tools/king-altman/submit.html |
Example Problems
Derivation of steady-state rate equations using the King-Altman method
www.biokin.com/tools/king-altman/examples.html |
Theoretical Notes
Derivation of steady-state rate equations using the King-Altman method
www.biokin.com/tools/king-altman/theory.html |
Enzyme Inhibitor Potency
Grouping of enzyme inhibitors into tiers of (nearly) identical potency
www.biokin.com/tools/potency/index.html |
Submit Data
Grouping of enzyme inhibitors into tiers of (nearly) identical potency
www.biokin.com/tools/potency/submit.html |
Example Problems
Grouping of enzyme inhibitors into tiers of (nearly) identical potency
www.biokin.com/tools/potency/examples.html |
Theoretical Notes
Grouping of enzyme inhibitors into tiers of (nearly) identical potency
www.biokin.com/tools/potency/theory.html |
Site map A listing of all files that comprise this web site. www.biokin.com/sitemap.html |
Contact Information Contact information for BioKin Ltd. www.biokin.com/contact.html |

www.biokin.com/sitemap.html Fri Dec 13 04:28:31 2024 |