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Example Problems
Derivation of steady-state rate equations using the King-Altman method


[May 2015]
  • A significantly enhanced version of this online tool was made part of the software package DynaFit.
  • See BioKin Technical Note TN-2015-03 for details.


Below are a few examples that were used to test the present implementation of the King-Altman method. You may wish to modify the examples, for example by adding activators and/or inhibitors.

Copy text from the editable areas below, and paste it into the data submision page.

IMPORTANT NOTE: All activators and/or inhibitors must be shown in the [modifiers] section (as a comma separate list, if more than one modifier is present).


Irreversible Michaelis-Menten mechanism Irreversible Michaelis-Menten mechanism
Reversible Michaelis-Menten mechanism Reversible Michaelis-Menten mechanism
Competitive inhibition Competitive inhibition
Partial mixed-type noncompetitive inhibition Partial mixed-type noncompetitive inhibition
Botts Morales modifier mechanism Botts Morales modifier mechanism
Bi Bi Ordered mechanism Bi Bi Ordered mechanism
Bi Bi Theorell-Chance mechanism Bi Bi Theorell-Chance mechanism
Bi Uni Random mechanism Bi Uni Random mechanism
Bi Bi Random mechanism Bi Bi Random mechanism
Dihydrofolate reductase Dihydrofolate reductase
Mixed-type inhibition of dihydrofolate reductase Mixed-type inhibition of dihydrofolate reductase

Irreversible Michaelis-Menten mechanismTop of pageNext section

The simplest possible enzymatic reaction mechanism:

Reversible Michaelis-Menten mechanismTop of pageNext section

Fully reversible version of the mechanism above:

Competitive inhibitionTop of pageNext section

Reversible Michaelis-Menten in the presence of a competitive inhibitor:

Partial mixed-type noncompetitive inhibitionTop of pageNext section

The ternary complex Enzyme-Substrate-Inhibitor is partially catalytically active:

Botts Morales modifier mechanismTop of pageNext section

The Botts-Morales general modifier mechanism is a favored system for testing rate equation derivation methods:

Bi Bi Ordered mechanismTop of pageNext section

Compare the results with Segel's Enzyme Kinetics, page 562 (Equation IX-87):

Bi Bi Theorell-Chance mechanismTop of pageNext section

Compare the results with Segel's Enzyme Kinetics, page 594 (Equation IX-122):

Bi Uni Random mechanismTop of pageNext section

Compare the results with Segel's Enzyme Kinetics, page 647 (Equation IX-181):

Bi Bi Random mechanismTop of pageNext section

Compare the results with Segel's Enzyme Kinetics, page 649: this mechanism should produce 48 denominator terms.

Dihydrofolate reductaseTop of pageNext section

Benkovic et al. (1988) painstakingly determined all elementary rate constants in this relatively complex mechanism:

Mixed-type inhibition of dihydrofolate reductaseTop of pageNext section

Appleman et al. (1988) determined that certain inhibitors bind both to free dihydrofolate reductase, and to the DHRF-NADPH+ complex. This system represents the most complex mechanism in this collection of example problems:

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Thu May 16 16:21:32 2024