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Training Day Organisation
Monday - May 2, 2014

Registration Registration
Lectures Lectures
Lunch and Networking Lunch and Networking
Practical Session Practical Session

RegistrationTop of pageNext section
9:00 - 10:00
Registration for the event takes place between 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. at the Charles Darwin House, 12 Roger Street, WC1N 2JU, United Kingdom, Telephone: +44 (0)207 685 2400, Email:

LecturesTop of pageNext section
10:00 - 12:15
Before lunch break the Delegates with hear three lecture-format presentations, with opportunities to ask questions and engage in a discussion with the presenters. These lectures provide the necessary background for the "live" software exercises that will take place in the afternoon.

Lunch and NetworkingTop of pageNext section
12:15 - 13:45
Lunch is catered on the premises.
Research Consultations

During the lunch break Dr. Petr Kuzmic as the main organizer of this event will hold consultations with Training Day delegates solving particular research problems that involve the determination of binding constants or mechanisms.

Given the limited amount of time available (90 minutes, 48 delegates) those wishing to speak with Dr. Kuzmic are encouraged to bring in a flash drive that contains:

  • Relevant experimental data in MS Excel format
  • Detailed description of the experimental conditions
  • Contact information
If you wish to make a 15-20 minute appointment in advance, please use the this contact form.

Practical SessionTop of pageNext section
13:45 - 16:45
During the afternoon session, we will work through a number of practical exercise using the software package DynaFit. This practical session will be organize in a computer classroom format as follows:
  • The venue will be rearranged to accommodate delegates' own laptop computers placed on tables and connected to the electrical supply.
  • All delegates will have the view of the main projection screen, in the front of the auditorium.
  • The presenter (Dr. Kuzmic) will be demonstrating a number of DynaFit scripts on the projection screen.
  • The delegates can either follow the procedures being demonstrated on their own computers, or they can simply watch and take notes.
  • The Trainers will be circulating the room responding to any request for assistance (please raise your hand...)
Hardware and Software Requirements
This Training Day requires the use of computer software and equipment. Please follow the link below to learn more.
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Thu May 16 16:21:32 2024