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Integrated Michaelis-Menten equation in DynaFit. Part 3. |
Determination of substrate kinetic parameters of HIV protease |

Integrated Michaelis-Menten equation in DynaFit. 3. Application to HIV protease
BioKin Technical Note TN-2016-03
Petr Kuzmic
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The DynaFit software package (http://www.biokin.com/dynafit/) contains a builtin
(“hard-coded”) implementation of the integrated Michaelis-Menten equation formulated in
terms of the Lambert omega function. This built-in regression model can be used conveniently
to determine the substrate kinetic parameters either from a single progress curve or from a collection
of enzymatic progress curves analyzed globally. An illustrative example includes previously
published data on the substrate kinetics of HIV protease. It is shown that even a single reaction
progress curve can be used to determine KM and kcat as long as two conditions are met simultaneously:
(1) the initial substrate concentration must be higher than the KM; and (2) the enzyme
reaction must be allowed to proceed to full completion.
www.biokin.com/publications/technotes/TN201603.html Thu May 16 16:21:32 2024 |