Dr. Kuzmic, the proprietor of BioKin Ltd., teaches courses in modern methods
of biochemical and biophysical data analysis.
Determination of Binding Constants and Mechanisms 2014 |   |
- Determinatinon of Binding Constants and Mechanisms
- Date: May 2, 2014
- Site: Biochemical Society, London, UK, Darwin House
- Level: Intensive workshop for practicing biologists and biochemists at the graduate or post-graduate level
- Duration: One day, total six hours of programming
- Organization: Three 45-minute lectures in the morning; three 45-minute laboratory sessions in the afternoon.
- Case studies: Real-world examples discusses in lectures and laboratory sessions.
- Software: Program DynaFit - free license for all academic and non-profit research organizations.
Binding and Kinetics for Experimental Biologists 2011-2014 |   |
- Binding and Kinetics for Experimental Biologists
- Date: May 12-16, 2014
- Site: Masaryk University Brno, Czech Republic, Department of Experimental Biology
- Level: Intensive, introductory-level course for practicing biologists and biochemists without deep background in mathematical and statistical methods.
- Duration: Five days, Monday through Friday; total 20 classroom hours (one-credit semester equivalent).
- Organization: Two one-hour lectures in the morning; two one-hour laboratory sessions in the afternoon.
- Case studies: Real-world examples discusses in lectures and laboratory sessions.
- Student projects: The last day is reserved for the analysis and discussion of experimental data contributed by course participants.
- Software: Program DynaFit - free license for all academic and non-profit research organizations.