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DynaFit under Linux Mint
Instructions to install and test DynaFit under Linux Mint 16

Installation of Wine Installation of Wine
Installation and testing of DynaFit Installation and testing of DynaFit

This pages shows how to install DynaFit/Windows under Linux, specifically Linux Mint.

A necessary prerequisite is to first install the Wine emulator. DynaFit can be installed after Wine is already is in place.

Installation of WineTop of pageNext section
Steps to install the Wine emulator, version 1.6, under Mint Linux:
  1. Open terminal window by pressing "CTRL + ALT + T" from the Mint Linux desktop.
  2. Type the following commands:

    $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa
    $ sudo apt-get update
    $ sudo apt-get install wine1.6
    $ sudo apt-get install winetricks
Steps to test the installation of Wine emulator under Mint Linux:
  1. Open terminal window by pressing "CTRL + ALT + T" from the Mint Linux desktop.
  2. Type the following commands:

    $ wine Notepad.exe
This should open the classic Windows Notepad text editor.

Installation and testing of DynaFitTop of pageNext section
  1. Download MS Windows version

    Download MS Windows version [ enlarge ]

  2. Save ZIP archive to disk

    Save ZIP archive to disk [ enlarge ]

  3. Save to 'Documents' directory

    Save to 'Documents' directory [ enlarge ]
    You may need to configure your browser to allow saving to a particular location instead of to the default "Downloads" directory.

  4. Right click on ZIP, select 'Extract here'

    Right click on ZIP, select 'Extract here' [ enlarge ]

  5. Navigate to extracted 'DynaFit4' directory

    Navigate to extracted 'DynaFit4' directory [ enlarge ]

  6. Right click on 'DynaFit', select 'Open with Wine'

    Right click on 'DynaFit', select 'Open with Wine' [ enlarge ]
    Please note that there are two executable files: DynaFit and DynaFitC (console). In this case we open DynaFit

  7. Click [OK]

    Click [OK] [ enlarge ]
    This will close the welcome screen

  8. Select menu View ... Computer ID

    Select menu View ... Computer ID [ enlarge ]
    This step neees to be done by corporate users only; academic users may proceed to step step #11 below.

  9. Note the first displayed 'Computer ID'

    Note the first displayed 'Computer ID' [ enlarge ]
    This will be needed for license activation

  10. Copy the 'Computer ID' information

    Copy the 'Computer ID' information [ enlarge ]
    Paste into an email message and send to

  11. Select menu File ... Open

    Select menu File ... Open [ enlarge ]
    This is a test run using at least example file. Can be done before the license file is installed.

  12. Click [No] if prompted

    Click [No] if prompted [ enlarge ]

  13. Navigate to the directory 'examples'

    Navigate to the directory 'examples' [ enlarge ]
    Navigate to directory ./examples/enzymology/5alpha-reductease

  14. Select file '1-substrate.txt'

    Select file '1-substrate.txt' [ enlarge ]

  15. Note the contents of the displayed script

    Note the contents of the displayed script [ enlarge ]

  16. Select menu File ... Run

    Select menu File ... Run [ enlarge ]

  17. DynaFit output panel

    DynaFit output panel [ enlarge ]
    The links in the output panel can be navigated. Press ALT+Left Arrow or ALT+RightArrow to navigate backward or forward

  18. Open the main output file in an external browser

    Open the main output file in an external browser [ enlarge ]
    The main output file should open in your default browser such as Mozilla

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Thu May 16 16:21:31 2024