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History of the "Morrison Equation" |
History, variants and usage of the "Morrison equation" in enzyme inhibition kinetics |

History, variants and usage of the "Morrison equation" in enzyme inhibition kinetics
BioKin Technical Note TN-2015-01
Petr Kuzmic
BioKin Ltd.
Draft - Rev. 1.03 - January 22, 2015
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The term "Morrison equation" has varied meaning in the works published
by different researchers in enzyme kinetics. This technical note summarizes
the historical variants and predecessors of the "Morrison equation" as published
by Ackermann & Potter (1949), Morrison (1969), Cha (1975) and
Greco & Hakala (1979). Attention is also given to relatively recent textbook
treatments by Copeland (2010, 2013). The disparate mathematical formalisms
are first converted to a unified algebraic notation and then compared
with respect the type of experimental data (i.e., either absolute or fractional
rates) that are required to utilize the given algebraic form. A comparison is
also made with respect to the implied inhibition mechanism, if any, as well as
the number and type of optimized model parameters in nonlinear regression.
enzyme kinetics; mathematics; inhibition; tight binding; Morrison
How to Cite
Kuzmic, P. (2015) History, variants and usage of the "Morrison equation"
in enzyme inhibition kinetics, BioKin Technical Note TN-2015-01,
BioKin Ltd., Watertown MA, [Online]
www.biokin.com/publications/technotes/TN201501.html Thu May 16 16:21:32 2024 |