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Substrate kinetics from reaction progress
DynaFit tutorial

Determination of substrate kinetic parameters from progress curve data: A DynaFit tutorial

BioKin Technical Note TN-2015-05

Petr Kuzmic
BioKin Ltd.
Draft - Rev. 1.01 - November 16, 2015
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The purpose of this DynaFit tutorial is to present detailed, step-by-step method to determine the substrate kinetic constants from a single well chosen reaction progress curve, which is purposely allowed to achieve full conversion of substrate into product. The results show that the steady-state kinetic values obtained either by the classical initial rate method or by the numerical integration method are identical. The advantage of the numerical method is that it requires only a single kinetic experiment (i.e., a single well chosen substrate concentration), whereas the classic initial rate method relies on multiple experiments performed at a variety of substrate concentrations.
enzyme kinetics; mathematics; DynaFit; tutorial; progress curve analysis
How to Cite
Kuzmic, P. (2015) Determination of substrate kinetic parameters from progress curve data, BioKin Technical Note TN-2015-05, BioKin Ltd., Watertown MA, [Online]
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