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Integrated Michaelis-Menten equation in DynaFit. Part 2. |
Determination of substrate kinetic parameters of 5alpha-ketosteroid reductase |

Integrated Michaelis-Menten equation in DynaFit. 2. Application to 5alpha-ketosteroid reductase
BioKin Technical Note TN-2016-02
Petr Kuzmic
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The DynaFit software package (http://www.biokin.com/dynafit/) allows the user
to specify the theoretical model for an arbitrary bio/chemical mechanism by using a symbolic
rather than mathematical notation. However, for convenience, DynaFit also contains a small
number of built-in, predefined fitting models. This Technical Note describes a family of predefined
algebraic fitting models that describe the time-course of enzyme reactions conforming to
the classic Michaelis-Menten kinetic mechanism. An illustrative example includes previously
published data on the substrate kinetics of 5alpha-ketosteroid reductase. It is shown that the least
squares fit of a single enzymatic progress curve, observed at an optimally chosen substrate concentration,
results in a KM value that is exactly identical to the value obtained by using the much
laborious and less precise initial rate method.
www.biokin.com/publications/technotes/TN201602.html Thu May 16 16:21:32 2024 |